Your purchase my donation

if white man is at the door or a representative is at the door she is always at the door light man is at the door recognizing everything as she is at the door meaning everyone knows that there's a donation everyone knows that there's a payment there's a donation and a payment there is a civil penalty penal systematicthere is a civil system a penalty that arrives with light man if they haven't reached she at the door yet there is a penalty for all ofthere if he's arrived at the door never she is at the door if there's a person that knows that the payment is going out now there's a person that knows there's a bill she relieves herself with a bill for water in water is the least paid if you need it there is a system out there that says that he is at the door but when he mentions water in the same manner he's at the door to but not in the same fashion however it is he wants to be at the door like her because his talk is identical to what is necessary for a light person or light man or light being of sorts to get through to seeing if she is real or notthere is a payment there is a donation and there is a system that says it is a penalty and there is a system that says it is just a donated I hearing or a heresy or it is just a person that wants to know it's all the same but the penalty is also involved didn't talk thankth

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