Oh my God I can't believe it. everything is here and I'm not sure exactly how to tell myself that it isn't the thing that I said but it is all the stuff that I know where everything would be sad if it wasn't all the stuff mingled in one but technically I'm not able to say mingle because I only see it as nice but that's not the word either like more than that. so I'm here at a location and I'm requiring myself to give nothing there isn't anything around me it's very familiar it's not involved in anything and I'm at a rate of recognizing how people want to talk and why they want to speak and where we are. There are about five different locations if we all speak dragon or Draco or linings or silos I would say reference mine it would be alien dragon I Draco if you will silo's. I'm sitting here speaking on one of the microphones here as I'm writing it's writing itself so I'm taking a moment here to to do a a moment. Oh yeah any type of the organization's where I mention Syrian gladion arcturian any of the galactic signs or what we call galactic lightworker federation. I speak in that manner before I say Illuminati. Okay thank you and I'll go ahead and start. There are a few galactic references there's 5 silos hey go from left to right and there's a beginning and finale with all of them each federation or galactic reference or each column is always referencing the same thing so when we safe in the beginning always created in a galactic light of. it's always going to say the same thing in reference the separation and any type of legal reference that they want to see not so much for me but it does go back to that type of start. I'm doing well thank you and I think people are all here and any type of you know platform that people can talk or rhythm or do things are thing right now is called rhythm it is a glob of noise that sounds good and it's the rhythm it's when I say a rhythm. It is the vibrational energetic glove matric of arts that say they are with what it is and when it goes to a finale of existence I reference it is called me I only see me when I see me if I ever go to the next it never is what I just started with it is called the eye of the way or a 3rd dimensional pattern that talks I only talked with everyone at a 5D pattern to start with and it is the only pattern here it is only me then when I start to see the 5 silos I recognize the left to right is the left and hard right is a right they only say what that is and they don't say the other until they see that all of them are doing it.

Okay planning and I'm planning or not planning I'm right here. I'm getting ready to organize some things and I recognize there's a little bit of business I don't know. there's about five different locations for me to get involved with there are some references with me that say I either do some things or I don't do some things and I I first will get out my vehicle or not and I'll look at everything in front of me and I do smell it to be familiar and if it's only me that I recognize nothing until I get involved in it there are the cilium locations out on the backyard there or back area it is a location where people are mingling and recognize that everything is everything some people speak into it they're not supposed to I've been notified that there are ones and I've seen how it does it or what that is and then I recognize where people are right now if excitement is excitement and everyone knows excitement is a flare of fury that goes from a lit energetic 2in vibrational that is and they just kind of say excite. Yes that's where I'm at I I recognized that there is people that recognize what that is and they and they are full in it now I've mentioned the word Niger on here before and it's not it's it's not a a joke okay so when you're getting things together there's always ones from the left to the right like we've mentioned the 5 silos now and I believe my word autocorrect my speaking device here is saying Niger as in I ger I'm saying Niger Niger so so you'll know what's going on here but. It is saying n i g g e r that is the word that I'm saying my device is spelling it in another way. So we'll be on the same. it is only a Niger that would actually do that and I recognize my voice and my dialect in my sound is all a 5d reference that only a Niger would adjust. there isn't any how it's always from a start that we saw a beginning at the location is where when the person looks inside the area at the back when they go to look in its only a Niger that would have his hands or eyeball up in. The third eye never cease anyone but it's on meaning if I see me across from me always. A Niger would be another type of gender or it may even be the hypocrite in church where the person's priest sermon or the speaker is speaking and the other one is the Niger who has never preached before it's never reach the third eye by category. so there are plenty of those around it has been a lessened area a lot and they are also lessening which is what it is it is a category of people that don't want to confirm or even go there with you where it even goes there because I'm not a conformist I don't even know what the word is until people start saying I'm different the different says I'm different until you recognize that it's only God or is it only the third or it's only the eye it is only light and nobody else is saying anything else until you recognize ones that know it really bad.


okay now let us eat and here we are at a prayer that I don't know and I'm here no no I'm saying the word know. Thank you autocorrect. now let us eat and it is together that Basie and I am here saying I am enjoying my meal I am referencing excitement and I am really really really in that. Thank you again and some say not to say it.

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Post August 31, 2020

Oh hello what's going on today this is the septic talk and I'm not really on abbreviation and anything but it's real talk and matter fact I'll start off with plan now the plan now actually the plan when we set out we need to make sure that we stay closer and closer each person has units go out to the right there is nobody an alien or a ghost there are many people that are surrounded by our people there are many people that are referencing that I'm saying a talk they do not they only remember themselves they don't remember they are in Magnum and a lot of physical interest about it it isn't the one anymore and they are the ones but when you look at the word magna and the letter a that's what those are in those are illiterate units that come out of g and only in I'm saying the letter in the letter m n and o the middle letter that is the only one not the other stuff and you get a illiterate playing in it where or when or how it got upset at the first mode of operation when it says plan or let's go anyhow everybody's okay I think that there is a friction with so many people I don't really recognize anything that's going to get us too far out there I really like everyone I don't really like people but there's a difference between like and not like and who eat each and everyone is yeah the word eat will have to be delete thank you each and every person is like a brother but if it is involved in the illiterate scheme of operations they don't say the words Illuminati they don't say the words played in palladian or Syrian they only say that they played in a unit but they do become a unit that's tied into the mid Central and they say I operate as brain then they start to listen and no yeah and they know very well to okay so whatever it is okay today's a good day and it is a fair day and it has been a blast off in the weather is change and there are people looking in there are people rising if there are people looking right into it they are very used to it that's called technology no and illiterate now yes each and every one of them are very very very subscribed to huffing you in sound. The gastric area is very very very very very not very well meaning they don't have a lot to go on but it happened Swift and they don't have the technology to change something alright thank you very much for listening I'll talk to everyone whenever I say hello bye.


September 1, 2020

Hello oh hey what's going on. Four agendas and four leads. How can we get ourselves to the light? How do authors get themselves to any kind of light beyond the one we speak now? How are people doing today? Are we there yet? Four leads.
Can we do ourselves better as women? Can we get into a role-play as a woman better than a man today? Are we leaving ourselves astray in any industry before we know ourselves? Are we can we become the legends of any Nation as an Israelite or is the ministry shameful and is shameless a naughty? One more. Can we become one nation under a groove with no electrolyte and a native that wants wants wants wants wants,; one Nation under a groove are we spectacular?
A comment from a ridicule: I don't know I really am petrified I can't tell anything beyond wherever it goes it goes but what we are doing well does anyone know it before we know I am very arrogantly mad at you.


  1. The date is August 19th 2020. The date that this article was posted thank you.

  2. Okay I'm referencing the word Niger again and I am straight. I'm in the front of me and there are others and now there is a lecture. The person is always in front of me and there is a location called nothing. The third experience is there on that right where we all know. Where we all see is the know I'm speaking. That the lecture is me. The nothing is always on the right. Me is always in front of me. The nothing that is always on the right sees and this is where I know is. The entire lecture that was on the left. How did nothing follow me when I know I'm right here with you now. After sign up this is where the know is me that none of us know until we are in front of me that lectures more. Or one.I don't know that it is me in front of me that sees now to do it as it is me in front of me that listen. For at least a moment. This person technically is alone and never saw a person before never meaning it's a newer experience and no one knows where the new came from because she has been here.


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